Group Thermostatic Mixing Valves
Robust group thermostatic mixing valves for safe and comfortable water temperature at multiple outlets.
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Reliance Valves Group Thermostatic Mixing Valves blend hot and cold water to ensure safe, comfortable and stable temperatures for multiple outlets, including showers and bath.
Our high flow rate valves also play a key role in helping to fight the harmful effects of Legionella bacteria growth by safely delivering hot water supply. All of our group thermostatic mixing valves are fast and simple to install, service and maintain.
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Euromixer 4-in-1 Group Thermostatic Group Mixing Valve
High flow rate group mixing valve that blends hot and cold water thermostatically to ensure a safe outlet temperature
Heatguard BF2-2 TMV2 Group Thermostatic Mixing Valve
Group mixing valve that blends hot and cold water thermostatically to ensure a safe outlet temperature. (TMV2 approved for the public sector)