Reliance Valves MultiSafe wins Professional Builder Top Product Award 2022
Now in its 32nd year , Professional Builder’s annual product accolades recognise industry innovations that have caught the eye of their readers over the last twelve months. Distributed to hundreds of thousands each month, winning the magazine’s editorial category is extra special as it voted for by those that know best – tradespeople and their editorial team.
Reliance Valves MultiSafe Leak Detection system protects properties against costly water damage by alerting homeowners early to potential leaks and automatically shutting off water supply. Additionally, the system monitors water usage patterns and identifies potential ways to conserve water, the world’s most precious resource.
Commenting on the award, John Kerr, EMEA Marketing Director, said: “We are extremely proud to have won this award for our Reliance Valves MultiSafe editorial content. It demonstrates both RWC’s commitment to developing sustainable products, as well as installers and contractor’s appetite for this type of product innovation.
This award not only recognises the efforts of our new product development team, but also the marketing team who have brought this innovation to life in the eyes of our customers. A special thank you goes to our technical spokespeople, Eric Winter, Richard Bateman and Martin Nicholson, who were also instrumental to this win.”
MultiSafe is just one of many product innovations that demonstrates RWC’s commitment to developing solutions that improve energy efficiency and water conservation, while making installation easier and quicker on site.