Specifier's Guide to TMVs

Ensuring efficient, safe and stable water temperatures in plumbing systems is paramount. Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) play a vital role in protecting people from accidental burns by maintaining safe and stable temperatures.

Different environments, from domestic properties to commercial buildings and healthcare facilities, have unique safety requirements. Our free eGuide provides specifiers with the knowledge, tools and insights to correctly specify TMVs for any setting, ensuring both safety and regulatory compliance.

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What to expect from the guide

1. How to identify the right TMV for different building designs: Gain insight into the different regulatory requirements by building type and the key considerations needed to get TMV specification right.

2. Selecting the right location and size to ensure water safety: Get to know the right type and valve size to ensure that TMVs are installed correctly and safely for effective functionality.

3. The eco-friendly benefits of TMV: Explore how TMVs contribute to more efficient plumbing systems, working alongside other valves to elevate levels of safety and efficiency.

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