Course 1: Part G & D08 Compliance with TMVs
How to ensure safe water temperatures in accordance with TMV2 (Domestic & Commercial) and TMV3 (Healthcare) applications
Course length: 1 hour
Course level: Intermediate
Location: Face to face
Who is it for: Those involved or interested in specifying flow control solutions within commercial buildings including healthcare settings.
Cost: Free
Key goals
To gain an understanding of the application of Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) where vulnerable people are at a greater risk of burns and scalds.
- Explain the key issues and legislation, such as Part G & D08 Compliance
- Familiarisation with certification and performance requirements
- Product design considerations and how they provide solutions
Course outline
You’ll learn about how TMVs work, legislation and safety standards, certification and compliance (Part G & D08), installation requirements, applications and performance requirements.
- Introduction to TMVs
- Legislation and best practice
- TMV2 explained including
- TMV3 explained
- Installation requirements
- Technical Support Services
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An introduction to variable and constant heating systems