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Course 2: TMVs for bathrooms

How to ensure safe water temperatures in domestic and commercial bathrooms.

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An introductory course that looks at how Thermostatic Mixing Valves can ensure safe water temperatures that are Part G compliant.

Course length: 45 minutes 

Course level: Intermediate

Location: Online or face to face

Who is it for: Anyone installing or specifying bathrooms in domestic, commercial or public buildings.

Cost: Free

Book an online or face to face course and find out more

Key goals

To gain an understanding of the application of Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) to ensure safe water temperatures that are Part G compliant.

  • Explain the key issues and legislation
  • Familiarisation with certification and performance requirements
  • Product design considerations and how they provide solutions

Course outline

You’ll learn about how TMVs work, legislation and safety standards, certification and compliance, installation requirements, applications and performance requirements.

  • Introduction to TMVs
  • Legislation and best practice
  • TMV2 explained
  • TMV3 explained
  • Installation requirements
  • Technical Support Services

Book your free CPD course

Complete the form to book an online or face to face CPD course or to find out more information.

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