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Sports & leisure

High performance and quality.

Sports and Leisure is all about performance. Not just with the activities which take place, but also in the facilities. The UK leisure sector is growing at twice the pace of the retail sector. In turn, the demand for high-quality facilities to encourage continued participation and improve the nation’s health is also set to continue to grow.  We support the design of these facilities with world-class products that deliver not only quality, but contribute to the safety, energy efficiency and reliability expected by customers.

Solutions for sports and leisure

Water systems in sports and leisure centres are complex and usually require specialist solutions to meet unique installation challenges. Many of our products are used across this sector, from our compact combination thermal balancing valve and pressure reducing valve to our Heatguard Planar TMV that provides stable temperatures. Explore our products to find out more.

56 Total available results
314 Dial Up 1⁄2″ FBSP Pressure Reducing Valve
314 Dial Up 1⁄2″ MBSP Pressure Reducing Valve
314 Dial-Up 15mm Pressure Reducing Valve with SharkBite Connections

Redukční tlakový ventil 314 Dial Up

Kompaktní číselníkový redukční ventil pro snížení vysokého tlaku teplé vody a studené vody na bezpečnější nižší výstupní tlak (1,0 - 6,0 barů)

Speak to an expert

If you have a specific enquiry about our solutions for sports and leisure please contact us.