Our education sector is under great pressure to ensure the constant maintenance and improvement of facilities across all primary, secondary, higher and further education estates. Yet rising demand for school places and limited public funding means resources are more stretched than ever.
Specifying products for education buildings places emphasis on the need to only invest in solutions that will perform long-term. Where water management is concerned this translates into ensuring safe use, trouble-free and tamper-proof operation, as well as quick and easy maintenance. This must all be built-in to a high quality and affordable design that will efficiently handle the daily rigour of its environment.
Solutions for education
From mixing valves that provide safe and stable water temperature, to double check valves preventing backflow and contamination, through to flush valves to reduce water wastage, many of our products are used across educational settings. Explore our products to find out more.

2portový zónový vetil 22 mm Reliance Valves (pevně zapojený)
Antivakuové ventily
Automatická ventilace vzduchu

Izolační ventil a filtr Floreg

Komerční temperovací ventil Masteguard
Mini izolační kulový ventil
Náhradní jednodílné cartridge pro tlakové redukční ventily

Náhradní pohon Reliance Valves