Commercial valve with hands

Course 2: Variable Volume Heating and Cooling Systems

An introduction to variable and constant heating systems

CPD approved logos
Guidance on the key considerations regarding variable volume heating and cooling systems, with particular reference to design, installation, commissioning and energy conservation considerations.

Course length: 1 hour

Course level: Advanced

Location: Face to face

Who is it for: Plumbing and pipework installers

Cost: Free

Key goals

Understanding Variable Volume Heating and Cooling Systems and the technical support services available.

  • Explain the key issues
  • Familiarisation with the product
  • Product design considerations and how they provide solutions

Course outline

You will discover the benefits of Variable Volume Heating and Cooling Systems Explore the different valves applicable to Variable Volume systems.

  • Explain the differences between Constant Volume and Variable Volume Systems
  • Overview of typical applications
  • Discuss the need to control differential pressures in Variable Volume Systems
  • Understand how the different valves work together within the system
  • Provide an overview of the commissioning processes
  • Provide a comparative summary of the systems

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